portable Outdoor property



  • AWD – All wheel drive
  • 4WD – 4 wheel drive
  • 4X4 with high & low range
  • 2WD (diff lock) – 2 wheel drive with differential lock

Types of vehicles in each category:

  • SUV – Sports Utility Vehicles
  • Bakkies – Double & Single cabs
  • Safari Units – Converted Open back Game Viewers
  • Classic 4X4’s – (Pre 1980 production restored vehicles)


  • Tourer/Cruiser / Adventure motor cycles in excess of 500cc


  • Caravans, camper, baggage and utility trailers


  • ATVs and golf carts


  • Motor: R2 500 000
  • Motorcyles: R500 000
  • Towables: R1 000 000
  • ATV & Golf Carts: R200 000


Anywhere in Africa south of the Equator, excluding Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Madagascar, Rwanda and the Republic of Congo.


Optional – Private including to and from work/ and-or business use/ and-or professional use plus recreational off-road use.


  • Basic – 4% of claim/min R2 000
  • Hail – Nil


Repatriation from cross border and many more.

wet-deck/ small craft


Any motorised water craft or sailing vessel that does not exceed 11m in length and a value of R1 500 000


  • Power boats
  • Ski boats
  • Tenders
  • Yachts
  • Jet skis


  • Outboard and In-board varieties


  • Semi-Rigid
  • Rigid Mono-Hulls
  • Twin-Hull
  • Tri-Hull 


Accidental loss of or damage to the Vessel, including whilst in tow, by road.


Private and pleasure purposes in Inland waters and/or seaborne out to 50 nautical miles


New for old in first 5 years subject to the adequacy of the sum insured.


Variable between 3% to 7.5% depending on type of craft and circumstances of loss


Anywhere in Africa south of the Equator, excluding Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Madagascar, Rwanda and the Republic of Congo.


Repatriation from territories, automatically covered.

portable outdoor property


All Risks of physical loss or damage to the specified item including whilst in use.


    • Fishing/boating
    • Diving (scuba and free dive including spear guns)
    • Hunting and sports shooting including optics and accessories:
    • Rifles, shotguns & hundguns (includes classic big/small bore and black powder varieties)
    • Precision competition air rifles and pistols
    • Archery (compound, recurve, long and crossbow varieties)
    • Camera and optical equipment & accessories
    • Aerial sporting equipment
    • Pedal cycles (Racing, mountain and multi seater units)
    • Motor cycle gear and accessories
    • Non-motorized water craft including ski’s and inflatables
    • 4X4 removable fitments and accessories
    • Camping equipment, non-standard supplied caravan contents 
    • Other


On any one item: R100 000


Variable depending on the item category insured.

frequently asked questions

Yes, providing the vehicle falls within the qualifying parameters. It must be postproduction 2005, have an insured value in excess of R100 000 and a ground clearance of 170mm+. The vehicle can only be insured on a fully comprehensive basis! Cover is for private and/or business and/or professional purposes as selected by the client.

True-Grit does not cover the above for reasons that are either complex from an indemnity point of view or  are too risk intensive.

No, True-Grit is a specialised niche’ product and caters only for 4X4’s as a primary vehicle and then property which is intended for recreational outdoor use.

True-Grit has special extensions which provide a much wider scope of cover than conventional insurance.

True-Grit will pay up to 15% of the vehicle insured value, to bring your disabled vehicle back to RSA from a  foreign territory, including its towed   units. We will pay a contractor to  execute the recovery back to RSA on the client’s behalf!

True-Grit has repatriation sub-extensions which provide for:

  • Cost of a one-way return trip per vehicle occupant by road or air;
  • 3 days temporary accommodation in the territory for vehicle occupants during the repatriation process;
  • Temporary vehicle hire for 3 days during the repatriation process.

The client must pay the associated costs up-  front and will be reimbursed either all   or part of these costs on his return to RSA and following submission of a claim.

True-Grit has a 3 month “on risk” requirement before the Repatriation clause can be utilized and each cross border excursion is limited to 6 weeks.

True-Grit is flexible and for an additional premium is able to waive both these requirements.

There is a requirement that the client must have undergone an off-road driver instruction course with an accredited instruction centre and have certification to this effect before the vehicle can be insured for full off-road use.

True-Grit “tag line” is TAR, TRACK & “BEYOND” TRAIL. People who are unfamiliar with 4×4’s in general need to know about the systems, dynamics and applications thereof whilst driving in off-road environs. Off-road driving can be as safe or equally as dangerous dependent on the driver’s knowledge and ability. A lot of people who own 4×4’s will never have the need to drive their vehicle OTHER than in 4×4 high range.

 In order to go beyond gravel or dirt road people need instruction in how to negotiate varied obstacles that can be encountered, in low range.

  • Whenever a person finds himself in a situation where he needs to drive other than on Tar or Track or Man-made trail. For instance, driving in soft sand conditions such as “beach, dry riverbeds or dune traversing;
  • Thick mud conditions;
  • Water wading as in through rivers & watercourses and surf launching of boats;
  • Traversing over irregular rock structures/ uneven features, soil erosion areas, steep soil or rock ascents or descents, side angle driving;
  • As important the person must know about “line of approach”, “approach angle”, “break over angle”, “departure angle” and “higher center of gravity” and how these can best be used to the driver’s advantage whilst off-road traversing.
  • And where it is necessary for the driver to have the skill and ability to use the vehicle’s low range or differential locks applications and how to affect a recovery of a vehicle when stuck or disabled.

Not the enduro speed events and rallies such as the Roof of Africa, Desert 15 000, Paris to Dakar! However, the client can take part in 4×4 club organized challenges which are properly supervised and marshalled.

Most certainly, we specialize in this field!

Yes however (not standard sedans) and yes, we cover, vehicles which have differential lock.

The following can be covered: towed units comprising of caravans, camper and utility trailers (on & off-road varieties), Adventure/Tourer/Cruiser motorcycles, QUADs/ATVs and Golf carts.

  • Vehicles with values over R250 000 – require an active early warning tracking device;
  • Vehicles over R100 000 must have an accepted immobiliser device;
  • The insured must maintain a contract.

The vehicle will still be covered   however in the event of theft/removal by force an excess of 10% of claim will be applied.

No, we accept devices supplied by all the industry recognized installers.

As mentioned most movable property intended for use recreationally and in outdoor environs. So this would include small-craft and associated machinery up to R1.5 M in value, including for inland and seaborne use! Portable Outdoor Property including Scuba Gear, Fishing Equipment, Firearms for hunting and sport-shooting, pedal cycles, camping equipment, non-motorised water craft, non-motorised aerial devices, photographic & optical equipment, bikers gear and so on.

Most certainly and what’s more the portable outdoor property is covered “whilst it is in use”.

True-Grit is specifically designed for members of these groups:

  • Members of SA Hunters for instance can cover their 4×4, caravans, trailers, camping equipment and firearms at preferential rates.
  • Members of Deep-Sea Fishing clubs can cover their 4×4, boat, trailer, fishing tackle and boat equipment at preferential rates.
  • Members of 4X4 Clubs.
  • The True-Grit product can be packaged in a beneficial way literally for members of any recreational outdoor oriented body.

True-Grit is constantly being enhanced. Clients can now pre-purchase travel insurance and Mozambique Compulsory Motor Third Party Liability Insurance off our web-site.

A client will typically bundle his 4×4, off-road caravan, Mountain bike and photographic equipment under his specific True-Grit policy.

With all the features, True-Grit is most certainly affordable, and the deductibles are acceptable by industry standards. True-Grit is adaptable and flexible’, our objective is to provide solutions.

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